
This video series is 100% FREE and reveals the secrets about...

How to Set Up Your Facebook Group

On this training you'll learn:

 Adding new members
Settings advanced
Group vs page
Opening up a group
Posting, files and events
Setting up questions

Now you have a chance to learn for FREE how to properly set up your Facebook group. Your coach is Claire Perry-Louise who is well-known Community Building Expert. There are 7 video lessons teaching you the right way to establish your group. At the same time Claire provides some insights into Facebook group creation and management. So sign up now to get access to this FREE video training.

Are You Building FB Group in the Wrong Way?

NOT STARTING RIGHT - starting your Facebook group right means starting with a particular question in mind...unless you know that question, your group can be doomed to failure
NOT GETTING ENGAGEMENT - most people never get the engagement they need to build a successful Facebook group. They add the wrong people and don’t progress in the right way to build a community
NOT LEADING THE GROUP FOR SUCCESS - most people have no idea how to lead their group for success. As the group leader you have to take certain actions to create the kind of group you want

Visualize This Online Business & Life Style:

Setting up one profitable Facebook group after another
With exclusive knowledge you can cash in time after time on Facebook group building
With autopilot income coming in every month from your loyal fans
Taking vacations, working as little or as often as you want. Remember these groups almost run themselves after a while

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Free Video Training

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