
LinkedIn Marketing & Ads for Business

LinkedIn Marketing


Setting up and using business account
Leveraging personal profiles and groups

Module 1: Overview

Home page features
Network connections
Jobs and talents
Profile section

Module 2: Setting Up and Using  Business Account

Creating company page
Page types
Admin page features and tools
Optimizing your page
Adding groups
Posting an article
Posting a video
Tempor vulputate orci. Maecenas?

Module 3: Leveraging Personal Profiles and Groups

Profile page optimization
How to increase interest
Adding people
Creating a group
Starting a conversation
Inviting members
Finding groups to join

LinkedIn Ads


How to get started with Campaign Manager
Creating an actual ad
Targeting and ad budgets

Module 1: How to Get Started with Campaign Manager

Creating advertising account
Account structure
Campaign performance
Website demographics
Account assets

Module 2: Creating an Actual  Ad

How to use Campaign Manager
Objective of campaign
Target audience
Selecting audience attributes
Types of ads
Selecting ad format

Module 3: Targeting and Ad Budgets

Ad placement
Budget & Schedule
Bid type
Conversion tracking
Creating new ad
Forecasted results

With iProfit Systems 2021

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